
The weekly infoletter is created by the StuRa and sent out every Sunday.

If you want to publish something in the infoletter, please send us your contribution via email to: infoletter(at)

Your contribution needs to be in English and German always. If your german is not that good feel free to contact us and we will help you with the translation. For a first version we recommend

Don't forget the headlines (DE & ENG)!

The editorial deadline is always Thursday evening at 23.00 o'clock. All contributions sent in later will be published the following week.

External surveys and appeals for donations (blood donations excepted) will only be included if they meet our sepcifications.
We therefore reserve the right to not publish them if we do not consider them suitable or in the case that a lot of further contributions are already planned.

In order to keep our Infoletter clear and containing only the most important information, you will find any job advertisements (HiWi jobs, internships, student research projects, tutoring, external jobs) on the bulletin board in stud.ip! These will not be published in the Infoletter.

Example contribution for the infoletter

We publish internal university surveys. Student jobs and external job advertisements can be posted on the bulletin board in Stud.IP. For that please also send an email to
Below is what we need from you to publish your contribution:


Kurze, knackige und ansprechende Überschrift

Beschreibender Text, am Besten mit Absätzen so gegliedert, dass er einfach zu lesen ist und die wichtigen Informationen schnell zu erfassen.

Daten können zum Beispiel "fett" gedruckt werden, so dass diese besser ersichtlich sind.
Von weiteren Formatierungen bitten wir abzusehen (z.B. Unterstreichungen und kursiv). Auch andere Schriftarten werden wir nicht übernehmen, ebensowenig farbliche Akzente. Einzig die Überschriften werden in rot und "fett" hervorgehoben.

Vergesst bei Umfragen nicht die Links und wenn ihr kontaktiert werden möchtet denkt bitte auch an einen Ansprechpartner.


Short, crisp and appealing headline

Descriptive text, preferably organized with paragraphs in a way that makes it easy to read and quickly grasp the important information. If your contribution is about an german-only survey or for the job posting german language skills are needed just tell the english-speaking-people with a small english summary and a note.

Dates, for example, can be "bolded" so that it is easier to see.
Please refrain from other formatting (e.g., underlining and italics). We will also not adopt other fonts, nor color accents. Only the headlines will be highlighted in red and "bold".

Don't forget the links for surveys and if you want to be contacted please think of a contact person.