You will find the M³E with preset indicators, targets, inputs and outputs. All these contents were created in five years of research involving numerous researchers, studies and literature. Of course, you are free to add to the factors.
We are happy to provide you with our tool as an Excel file. (as of 12.2022) It is currently only available in German. It will also be released in English soon.
Have you filled in everything and are you ready to send us your performed evaluation for a more detailed result view?
Then simply send us the completed Excel M³E tool by e-mail to
Below you will also find a PDF explaining the M³E process and clearing up any questions you may have. Please note that the content is in German language. It can be easily translated with the usual software. (as of 12.2022)
With your consent, by entering your e-mail address at the end of the online survey, you will receive a detailed analysis of your success from us.