Committee elections 2021/22 online elections for all status groups for the first time

Committee elections 2021/22
online elections for all status groups for the first time


Head of Election Office
Chancellor Dr. Angela Kunow
Appointments by arrangement only


Election office staff
Ricarda Wozniak
House 6 / room 6.002
Phone: 03943 / 659 – 107

Elections to the committees of Harz University of Applied Sciences in the period from 24.11.2021 until 30.11.2021

Online elections for all status groups for the first time!

Now it is time again: Professors, teachers, academic staff, employees, students have the choice – they can stand for election and/or vote.

Participation in the committees offers the opportunity to be involved in relevant issues and current topics at the university.

Which committees there are, who can stand for election, how the process works and why it is worthwhile to participate are explained below.

In the winter semester 2021/22, the following comittees can be elected at Harz University of Applied Sciences:

  • Academic Senate – all status groups
  • Faculty Boards of all three faculties – all status groups
  • Student Union – students only
  • Student Representatives of the three faculties – students only

Academic Senate

The Senate is the most important committee of the university.

Fundamental decisions are made by the members of the Academic Senate, such as:

- the university development plan,

- the agreements on objectives which are agreed between the State of Saxony-Anhalt and the Harz University of Applied Sciences,

- individual research priorities of the faculties.

It decides:

- the establishment and modification of degree programmes,

- the establishment and modification of university facilites and services,

- Finally, it decides on the proposals of the faculties for the appointment of professors.

Faculty Boards of all three faculties

A Faculty board is elected for each of the three faculties at Harz University of Applied Sciences. This council regulates internal (structural) faculty matters, e.g.

- ensuring the range of courses offered,

- deciding on study and examination regulations,

- drawing up a structural and development plan for the faculty,

- submitting proposals for appointments, etc.

Student Union (students, provided they are members of the student body)

There is a student union (StuRa) for both campuses of Harz University of Applied Sciences (Halberstadt and Wernigerode). The StuRa regulates student matters across all faculties, such as sports festivals, university festivals, social interests etc.

Student Representatives (students, provided they are members of the student body)

There are student representatives in each of the three faculties at Harz University of Applied Sciences. They regulate student matters within the faculty, e.g. „ErstiDays“, exam collections, tutoring etc.

Important dates

  • 26.10.2021 – 02.11.2021 –  Display of the voter lists: Inspection of the lists in House 6, Villa, room 6.001, via phone or e-mail
  • Until 03.11.2021 – submission of nominations (until 3 pm)
  • 24.11.2021 – 30.11.2021 – Conducting the electronic elections (from or until 10 a.m. each time)




The committee elections are conducted as electronic elections together with the provider POLYAS.

Important links (in German):

  • Voting
  • Timetable
  • Election announcement
  • Election proposal forms
  • Separate declaration of consent of the candidate (if submission on the nomination form is not possible)
  • Election regulations (only available for staff or students)
  • Nominations
  • Official election results (only available for staff or students)