Language of Instruction: German
Study to create impressive solutions that people can really use
Business computing specialists work at the interface between different worlds and create solutions that connect people, technologies and business processes.
We prepare you for fascinating tasks such as:
Informatics: Programming, Introduction to Business Informatics, Internet Technologies, Operational Models and Standard Software, Database Management Systems
Business: Introduction to Business Administration, Accounting and Company Financing, Managerial Accounting, Company Management, Personnel Management, Organisation, Logistics Management, Marketing
Management Skills: Presentation Techniques, Rhetoric, Text Competence, Moderation, Leadership Competence as well as Mathematics and Statistics
Languages: English
Work placement Contents:
You can select your work placement yourself. The Harz University of Applied Sciences will help and support you. Alternatively, you can use the fourth semester to study abroad.
Lectures and seminars in the areas of Informatics, Business and Management Skills as well as selections from the following areas: Strategic IT Management, Business Process Management Using SAP as an Example, Requirements Engineering, Distributed Database Systems, Business-to-Business Management, Logistics Management, Change Management, International Management, Project Management
Methods of teaching and learning:
Lectures, seminars, group work, simulation exercises, project work, laboratory work
Bachelor's work placement, bachelor's thesis, bachelor's colloquium
Business computing specialists not only work with information and communication systems, they also work on the "system" human-machine interaction. This includes all questions and tasks resulting from the technology. Our graduates work in positions such as:
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Informatics
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Standard period of study: 7 semesters
Start of studies: winter semester