Business Psychology (B. Sc.)

Language of instruction: German

Standard period of study: 7 semesters

Overview - For More Psychology In Companies

Business psychologists support companies as trainers, consultants and organisational developers. They create professional surveys of customers or employees, or carry out sophisticated experiments for market research. Personnel departments also value the skills of business psychologists.

In Wernigerode you will be studying with the pioneers!

In October 1998, the first degree programme for Business Psychology in the German-speaking countries took in its first students – at the Harz University of Applied Sciences in Wernigerode. The concept for this educational programme, which was completely new at the time, was developed together with the former North-East Lower Saxony University of Applied Sciences in Lüneburg. Its success proves that the developers were right - many competing courses are now offered. In Wernigerode you can study "the original".  

We expect a lot – for the success of your career

Our degree programme is challenging. In the first three semesters you will learn the fundamentals of psychology, business administration and market research. In the fifth and sixth semesters you will work on several projects in parallel. Our teaching staff will support you intensively in your work. The success of our graduates is a reflection of our didactic concept. Business psychologists who graduate from the Harz University of Applied Sciences are in demand: they work for companies in Germany and abroad.  

Science & Research

The business psychologists at the Harz University of Applied Sciences work and research actively in a variety of fields. Research is carried out on questions of personnel development, company organisation, market research, advertising and marketing, and projects are performed and evaluated. Our University is excellently equipped. You can take part in research and practical projects in modern laboratories with software for psychological diagnoses and computer-supported experiments and surveys (online and offline) as well as professionally equipped training rooms.

Length of programme and degree obtained 

The normal study period is seven semesters. After successfully completing the programme and examinations you obtain the degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).


1st – 3rd SEMESTER

In the first three semesters the fundamentals of Business Psychology are covered. This includes in particular:

• General Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology and Diagnosis, Psychological Methods, Organisational Psychology, and Market and Consumption Psychology

• Fundamentals of Statistics, Software-Supported Data Analysis

• Business Administration, Company Management, Personnel, Organisation, Economics, Accounting, Business Mathematics, Marketing


In the fourth semester you can choose to take part in a work placement or to study abroad. The latter is generally very popular with Business Psychology students.

5th – 6th SEMESTER

In the fifth and sixth semesters you broaden your knowledge of Business Psychology in one of two professional fields. You can choose between a focus on Personnel, with the contents: Personnel Selection, Personnel Development, Coaching or Change-Management. Or Markets and Consumption with the contents: Consumer Goods Marketing, Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Market Research. In both specialisations, you not only extend and apply your knowledge, you also broaden your know-how in multivariate statistics.



In the seventh semester you take part in a work placement at a company and write your bachelor's thesis. The following are also integrated throughout the degree programme:

• Seminars and training for various key skills such as Presentation Techniques, Teamwork, Moderation, Conflict Management, Text Competence…

• Professional English

• Practical and research projects

Methods of teaching and learning:

Lectures and seminars, training, working in EDP and language laboratories and with computer-supported experiment control and diagnosis, supervised project work, also working directly with companies. Assessment takes place through project work, oral examinations, written examinations, presentations and assignments.


Graduates of the degree programme Business Psychology are, for example, employed:  

  • in the area of personnel, e.g.  in  personnel selection, personnel development and organisational development
  • in the area of markets and consumption, e.g. in marketing, market research, sales or advertising
  • in consultancy companies as consultants, trainers or coaches.  

Our business psychologists work throughout Germany and also abroad, for example in England, China, the USA and Switzerland. Their employers include the following well-known companies: Audi,  Audi-Akademie,  Bayer,  Bosch,  Beiersdorf,  Bitburger Braugruppe, BMW, Coca-Cola, Daimler, Google, GfK (USA, GB and D), Henkel, IKEA, Kienbaum Management Consulting, REWE, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ruhr University Bochum, Swiss International Airlines, ThyssenKrupp, TNS-Infratest, Volkswagen…

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Starker

Degree Programme Coordinator

Professor Faculty of Business Studies
Tel +49 3943 659 212
Room 2.301, Haus 2, Wernigerode
Visiting Times nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail

Lukas, 5. semester

»My most important insight has been that the psychological content of our degree programme is not only important for the day to day life but also especially for the working environment. Knowledge of human behavior increases the job satisfaction and promotes cohesion within the company.«