




3 Reasons to say "Yes" to Harz University of Applied Sciences:

1. We are located in the heart of Germany - discover this beautiful country!

2. We offer high-quality education - relevant and in small groups!

3. Small campus with one on one support - you will never be "just a number"!


Katharina Pape

Student Advisor

International Office
Tel +49 3943 659 153
Room 4.021, Haus 4, Wernigerode

Silke Benser

Departmental Advisor for Exchange Students

Course planning, Learning Agreements, International Programme
Tel +49 3943 659 270
Room 4.152, Haus 4, Wernigerode


Harz University of Applied Sciences

International Office

Friedrichstr. 57-59

38855 Wernigerode

Tel +49/(0)3943/659-150

Fax +49/(0)3943/659-155

Email exchange@hs-harz.de