The current winter semester officially began on 18 September 2023 with the enrolment ceremony for the faculties of Automation and Computer Science, Administrative Sciences, and Business Studies.

Enrolment ceremony: Welcoming incoming students

Winter semester begins in Wernigerode and Halberstadt

The current winter semester officially began on 18 September 2023 with the enrolment ceremony for the faculties of Automation and Computer Science, Administrative Sciences, and Business Studies. The late summer weather was cooperative as 609 incoming students were welcomed to the university. Nearly 3,000 students were enrolled in Wernigerode and Halberstadt, with many in part-time degree programmes for professionals and dual study programmes. Approximately 200 international students from over 20 countries add to the cultural diversity of the two campuses.

The President of Harz University of Applied Sciences welcomed the new students. “Our unique sense of community sets us apart. This is reflected in how we work, study, research, and celebrate together on our beautiful campus. You are invited to play an active role in shaping this next chapter of your lives, such as through one of our approximately 20 student associations,” said the President.

Most of the incoming students toured the campus before the ceremony during the orientation days. They got to take preliminary courses and learn about the individual degree programmes, and also got to familiarise themselves with all the service facilities, campus management software, library system, and comprehensive range of language services. The student counselling office, athletics department, and scholarship programmes got to introduce themselves as well. Friendships were made during a city tour and an evening on the campus. A joint hike up mountain Brocken turned into a major highlight.

Author: Janet Anders
Image author: © Anna-Michaela Schmidt
Image rights: © Hochschule Harz



Janet Anders

Dez. Kommunik.u. Market.
Tel +49 3943 659 822
Room 6.208, Haus 6, Wernigerode