
Information and measures concerning coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

Hygiene measures starting on 12th of September 2022

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

as the current situation is similar to that at the end of the summer semester, there is no reason to make any major changes to the existing hygiene measures., After consultation with the extended Dean's Circle, the President’s Office has made the following decision regarding regulations for the prevention of infection with the coronavirus:

In closed rooms of the Harz University of Applied Sciences, where the minimum distance of 1.50 m cannot be ensured, the wearing of a medical mouth-nose protection is highly recommended for reasons of infection control. Speakers at events/in classroom situations are generally permitted to take off their masks while speaking.

Lecturers may demand the wearing of a medical mouth-nose protection during lectures in closed rooms of the Harz University of Applied Sciences where the minimum distance of  1.50 m cannot be ensured. Students, university employees and visitors with cold symptoms must wear a medical mouth-nose protection in closed rooms of the Harz University of Applied Sciences.

These regulations apply as of the 12th of September 2022.

I wish everyone a good start into the winter semester 2022/23!

Kind regards

Folker Roland

Plans for the winter semester 2022/23

Academic Senate resolution of 13 July 2022:

For the winter semester 2022/23, we are planning normal university operations with face-to-face classroom teaching.

The experiences of the past years and the assessments of the experts lead us to expect that the infection rates will continue to increase in autumn/winter. Against this background, it cannot be ruled out that special measures will be necessary again in the winter semester 2022/23.

We will again implement a three-tier plan:

Green: generally face-to-face teaching

Scenario 1: without social distance rules

Scenario 2: without social distance rules but with mandatory medical masks

Yellow: generally online teaching

Exceptions for labs and e.g. project events in small groups with distance rules

Red: exclusively online teaching, no exceptions

The current regulations and decrees of the state of Saxony-Anhalt will continue to be decisive for decisions. Specific regulations regarding the three-tier system will be made by the President´s Office after hearing the extended Dean's Circle and in close consultation with the Health and Safety Officer.


Hygiene measures starting on 15th May 2022

Resolution of the President’s Office on 12.05.2022:

After consultation with the extended Dean's Circle, the President’s Office has made the following decision for the period from 15th of May to 25th of June 2022:

In closed rooms of the Harz University of Applied Sciences, where the minimum distance of 1.50 m cannot be ensured, the wearing of a medical mouth-nose protection is highly recommended for reasons of infection control. Speakers at events/in classroom situations are generally allowed to take off their masks while speaking.

Lecturers may demand the wearing of a medical mouth-nose protection during lectures in closed rooms of the Harz University of Applied Sciences where the minimum distance of  1.50 m cannot be ensured.

Hygiene concept

You can find the hygiene concept (resolution of the Academic Senate on 13 July 2022) here (in German).


Last update: 09.09.2022