An adventure abroad 09.08.2024 From Wernigerode to Seattle An adventure abroad In picturesque Wernigerode, nestled in the hills of the Harz, Lea-Sophie Becker planned for her exciting future. The 24-year-old Master’s student… more
From lecture hall to Tokyo Game Show: Students experience the world of game development 05.02.2024 From lecture hall to Tokyo Game Show: Students experience the world of game development Gaming has never been so popular. Increasingly innovative game ideas, state-of-the-art technology and… more
Global artificial intelligence competition: Harz University of Applied Sciences wins 1st place 22.11.2023 Students and instructors at Harz University of Applied Sciences submitted four projects to this year’s Global Intel AI Impact Festival, organised digitally every year by tech company Intel.… more
First "Transatlantic Summer School" a big success 16.11.2023 The starting signal for a new tradition: Four very different educational institutions, Iowa State University (Ames, USA), Wayne State University (Detroit, USA), Ruhr West University of Applied… more
Harz University of Applied Sciences expands laboratories for the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science 19.04.2023 Harz University of Applied Sciences – as one of the first educational facilities in Saxony-Anhalt – has received a donation from American semiconductor manufacturer Intel, with 95,000 euros… more
Blended mobility - from theory to practice. Exchange between Tallinn and Wernigerode 26.01.2023 Blended mobilities are currently trending in Europe; virtual exchanges and short-term mobilities are integrated into compact courses. This relatively new approach is mainly intended for… more
Study remotely: A different kind of year abroad 29.05.2022 Lorena decided to spend a year abroad at the Southern Oregon University in Ashland. Despite an extraordinary situation, she achieved a 4.0 GPA and was awarded for this academic achievement. … more
Strengthen international relations 12.05.2022 Working together internationally - how does that actually feel? Different time zones, different languages, different habits, what role does that play and how do we deal with it? The DAAD… more
Across state borders - International projects at Harz University 22.02.2022 Why researchers are solving regional issues at an international level Research projects with international partners are a permanent feature at Harz University of Applied Sciences. This boosts… more
International student exchange at Harz University in the project Virtual Exchange+ 10.02.2021 When Nevina Cabboi and Pruthvirajsinh Jhala heard about it, they immediately wanted to participate: through the "Virtual Exchange+" DAAD project, the Harz University of Applied Sciences, in… more
Three good reasons for studying at Harz University of Applied Sciences 25.06.2020 The innovative study programme: Since its foundation in 1991, Harz University of Applied Sciences, as a small and dynamic educational institution, has repeatedly succeeded in picking up on… more