About me

I have been working as a Professor in Public Management at Harz University since 2019.

My higher education started at the University of Flensburg with a Bachelor of Business Administration. I then completed a Master of Arts in International Economics at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen and the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA, dean's list of students). At the University of Hamburg, I completed my dissertation as "Dr. rer. pol” (summa cum laude). I also hold a certificate in Higher Education Teaching from the UK Higher Education Academy.

My academic work experience spans the University of Hamburg, Kyoto University, Queen's University Belfast, HWR Berlin, and the University of Warsaw. I have also worked for Wincor Nixdorf International, Conergy, InterEthnica Inc., Einbecker Brauhaus AG, the Joachim Herz Foundation and in various freelance projects.