Prof. Dr. Christof Wiechers


Professor for Corporate Finance

Mathematical Economist

Actuary (DAV)

In 2018, Christof Wiechers was appointed as a professor for business administration, specialized in corporate finance, at Harz University of Applied Sciences.

He holds a diploma in mathematical economics from Bielefeld University as well as a M.Sc. in Economics awarded by Purdue University, West-Lafayette, IN. The PhD was awarded by Cologne University with a dissertation on financial market statistics and portfolio risk management.

Professional activities include working as a quantitative risk expert at Zurich Gruppe Deutschland, part of international Zurich Insurance Group, specialized in all topics related to Solvency II. Solvency II emerged as Europe's prudential regime towards a common regulatory framework for all insurance companies operating in Europe. After a couple of years, he rotated to the investment management section, focussing on asset-liability-management and risk assessments for current and planned investment strategies and initiatives.

As member of the German Actuarial Association (DAV) as well as of the German Society for Insurance and Financial Mathematics (DGVFM), the focal point of his professional and research interests is on all topics related to the insurance industry, especially risk and investment management.

Professional Activities

The main offices of the professorship are teaching, conducting research and participating in academic self-governance of the university.

Several different courses are taught, on bachelor's as well as on master's level, all gravitating around the coroprate finance and risk management topics. Applied research covers, but is not limited to, today's issues of the German as well as international insurance industry. Practical relevance is the primary goal of all research an publishing activities, always in close cooperation with other researchers, practitioners and students.

Besides the professorship, freelancing consulting as an actuary for insurance undertakings is carried out on topics as diverse as risk management, investment management, Solvency II and regulatory aspects.


Prof. Dr. Wiechers is a member of the German Actuarial Association (DAV) and the German Society for Insurance and Financial Mathematics (DGVFM). Within DAV, he is a member of two working groups.

Prof. Dr. Christof Wiechers

FB Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Tel +49 3943 659 220
Room 2.134, Haus 2, Wernigerode
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