Professor of Administrative Science
Prof. Dr. Jens Weiss




General research fields

  • Public sector reforms
  • Local Government Management
  • E-Government and Digitization of Public Sector Organisations
  • Program evaluation / evaluation research in the field of administrative sciences

Recent research and projects



Governance and political management in the public sector, particularly in local governments

Transformation processes of public administrations, public sector reforms and administrative cooperation

Organisational structures and management practices of public administrations, especially Strategic Management, Process Management and Knowledge Management 

Social Science foundations and methodologies for Administrative Science and Public Sector Practice


Member of the Doctoral Center for Social, Health and Economic Sciences (SGW), 




Trustee of the Hans Boeckler Foundation



Prof. Dr. Jens-Oliver Weiß

FB Verwaltungswiss.
Tel +49 3943 659 423
Room D219, Haus D, Halberstadt
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