
I am author of more than 100 publications. Here you can find a selection of my English and some of my most important German publications.

ResearcherID: D-6295-2016


[in progress]

  • "The structure of the adventure tourism industry", in: Pomfret, G., Doran, A., Cater, C. (Eds.): Routledge Handbook of Adventure Tourism (accepted; with Manuel Sand)
  • "Appreciation of Nature: House prices in Areas of Scenic Beauty and Tourism Activity" (with Franz Fürst and Marcelo Cajias)



  • "Deep nature glamping in Germany – potentials and configuration of a nature tourism offer", in:
    Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Volume 43, September 2023, 100663 (with Jana Culemann, Juliane Rebbe and Theo Berger)
  • "Examining the adventure traveller behaviour - Personality, motives and socio-demographic factors as determinants for German adventure travel", in: European Journal of Tourism Research 33, 3307, (with Manuel Sand and Theo Berger)




  • "Tourism Research on Adventure Tourism - Current Themes and Developments", in: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, doi: (with Manuel Sand)
  • "Adventure tourism: A perspectice paper", in: Tourism Review 75 (1), pp. 153-157 (with Manuel Sand),
  • "Prescribing adventure – analysing the benefits of adventure forhealth and well-being”, in: 7th International Adventure Conference Book of Abstracts of the InternationalConference in Dumfries & Galloway, ATRA, Fort William, pp. 4-5 (with Manuel Sand and Carola May)
  • "Umweltfreundliche Verkehrsmittelwahl in der Urlaubsregion – Determinanten der ÖPNV- und Fahrrad-Nutzung in deutschen Destinationen", in: Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 01/2019, pp. 109-148 (with Bente Grimm)


  • "Sustainable mode of transport choices at the destination – public transport at German destinations", in: Tourism Review 73 (3), pp. 401-420, (with Bente Grimm)
  • "The commercial performance of global airports", in: Journal of Transport Policy 61, pp. 123-131, (with Franz Fuerst)
  • "Hut-to-hut-hiking trails – a comparative analysis of popular hiking destinations", in: Hall, C.M./Ram, Y./Shoval, N. (Eds): The Routledge International Handbook of Walking, New York, pp. 159-171 (with Kim Werner)


  • "Tourism destinations under pressure - Challenges and innovative solutions", Luzern, see (with Louisa Klemmer and authors of eleven universities)
  • "Handbuch Tourismus und Verkehr - Verkehrsunternehmen, Strategien und Konzepte", 2. Edition, Konstanz/München 2017


  • "Handbook of Low Cost Airlines - Strategies, Business Processes and Market Environment", unchanged 2. Edition, ITD-Verlag, Elmshorn, (with Alexander Schröder)
  • "GPS-Tracking in touristischen Destinationen - Neue Software-Anwendung zur Erfassung des Mobilitätsverhaltens am Beispiel von Wanderern im Harz", in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung,
  • "Stamp books in the Harz Mountains, Germany – fun not just for children", in: Richins, H./Hull, J. (Eds.): Mountain Tourism - Experiences, Communities, Environments and Sustainable Futures, pp. 58-66, CABI, Wallingford (with Michael Lück)


  • "The Development of Adventure Tourism in the Harz Mountains", in: Proceedings of the International Adventure Conference 2015, Sheffield Hallam University 9.-11.09.2015 (with Michael Lück)



  • "The Low Cost Carrier Worldwide", Gross, S./Lück, M. (Hg.), Ashgate, London
  • "Low Cost Carrier – A worldwide phenomenon?!", in: Gross, S./Lück, M. (Eds.): The Low Cost Carrier Worldwide, Ashgate, London, pp. 3-15 (with Michael Lück and Alexander Schröder)
  • "Low-Cost Carriers in Australia and New Zealand" in: Gross, S./Lück, M. (Eds.): The Low Cost Carrier Worldwide, Ashgate, London, pp. 155-174 (with Michael Lück)
  • "The future of Low-Cost Carriers" in: Gross, S./Lück, M. (Eds.): The Low Cost Carrier Worldwide, Ashgate, London, pp. 218-226  (with Markus Landvogt und Michael Lück)
  • "GPS-Tracking combined with tablet-based interviews: an approach to analyze tourist mobility", in: TTRA - Europe Chapter, Conference Proceedings: New Directions - Travel and Tourism at the Crossroads, TTRA-Conference 17-19 April 2013, Dublin (with A. Menzel und T. Spangenberg)


  • “Tourist Cards – Experiences with Soft Mobility in Germany’s Low Mountain Ranges", in: Tiller, T.R. (Hg.): Conference Proceedings of BEST EN Think Tank XII, Sydney: University of Technology Sydney, pp. 318-324, (with D. Dürkop)
  • “Cruise Line Strategies for Keeping Afloat", in: Vogel, M./Papathanassis, A./Wolber, B. (Hg.): The Business and Management of Ocean Cruises, Wallingford 2012, pp. 63-76 (with M. Lück)
  • “GPS im Tourismus, Grundlagen - Einsatzbereiche - Produktentwicklung", Elmshorn 2013 (edited with Axel Dreyer)


  • “Flying for a buck or two: Low-cost Carriers in Australia and New Zealand", in: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 11(3), pp. 297-319 (with M. Lück)
  • “Promoting culinary tourism in the Harz region of Germany", in: Hartwell, H.J./Lugosi, P./Edwards, J.S.A. (Eds.): Culinary Arts and Sciences VII: Global, National and Local Perspectives, Poole 2011, pp. 192-198 (Proceedings ot the International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences (ICCAS),, 12.-14.04.2011, Bournemouth 2011) (with J. Hull)
  • “The sky is the limit - The determinants and constraints of European airports commercial revenues", in: Journal of Air Transport Management 17 (2011), pp. 278-283 (with F. Fürst and U. Klose)
  • “Tourismus und Verkehr - Grundlagen, Marktanalyse und Strategien von Verkehrsunternehmen", München 2011


  • "Low Cost Cruises – a Business Model Analysis of easyCruise", in: Tourism in Marine Environments, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 11-24
  • "Mietfahrzeuge im Tourismus - Grundlagen, Geschäftsprozesse und Marktanalyse" (with Nico Stengel)


  • "Flying for a buck or two: Low Cost Carrier in Australia and New Zealand", Proceedings zur TTRA European Chapter Conference “Transport and Tourism: Challenges, Issues and Conflicts”, 22 – 24 April 2009, Rotterdam/Breda The Netherlands (with M. Lueck)
  • "Tourismus 3.0 - Fakten und Perspektiven“, Hamburg (edited with H. Bastian/A. Dreyer)


  • "Low cost business model on long-haul routes – a promising market segment?", Proceedings for the 12th Air Transport Research Society world conference (ATRS World Conference) July 6 – 10, 2008 in Athens/Greece (with A. Schroeder)


  • "Handbook of Low Cost Airlines - Strategies, Business Processes and Market Environment", Berlin 2007 (edited with Alexander Schroeder)
  • "Basic Business Model of European Low Cost Airlines – An Analysis of Typical Characteristics", in: Gross, S./Schröder, A. (Eds.): Handbook of Low Cost Airlines - Strategies, Business Processes and Market Environment, Berlin 2007, pp. 31-50 (together with A. Schroeder)
  • "Low Cost Airlines and Coach Tourism – Threats and Opportunities for German Tour Operators", in: Gross, S./Schröder, A. (Eds.): Handbook of Low Cost Airlines - Strategies, Business Processes and Market Environment, Berlin 2007, pp. 249-261 (together with A. Schroeder)
  • "Transferring the Low Cost Strategy to Ship, Bus and Rental Car Companies", in: Gross, S./Schröder, A. (Eds.): Handbook of Low Cost Airlines - Strategies, Business Processes and Market Environment, Berlin 2007, pp. 293-314 (together with J. Grotrian and R. Sonderegger)


  • "Gästebefragungen in der touristischen Marktforschung – Leitfaden für die Praxis“), Dresden 2006 (with W. Freyer)
  • “Die Entstehung einer Tourismuswissenschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum – Status Quo und Anforderungen an eine eigenständige Tourismuswissenschaft", in: Tourismus Journal - Zeitschrift für tourismuswissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 02/2004, pp. 243-263


  • “Mobilitätsmanagement im Tourismus“, Dresden 2005
  • “Low Cost Airlines in Europa – eine marktorientierte Betrachtung von Billigfliegern“, Dresden 2005 (with A. Schröder)
  • “Sicherheit in Tourismus und Verkehr – Schutz vor Risiken und Krisen“, Dresden 2004 (edited with W. Freyer)

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ResearcherID: D-6295-2016

"Travelling is refining our mind and does away with our prejudice."

O. Wilde