Entwicklung von Lösungen für den strukturellen und sozialen Wandel in Sachsen-Anhalts Kommunen

Gemeinsames Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Auswirkungen des sozialen und strukturellen Wandels auf Kommunen in Deutschland und den baltischen Staaten transferorientiert zu untersuchen, ein transnationales und interdisziplinäres Wissenschafts- und Innovationsnetzwerk zur Lösung dringender kommunaler Herausforderungen zu etablieren und Anträge (Antragsstrategien) in geeigneten EU-Forschungsprogrammen vorzubereiten.

CliMBinG brings together experts from different disciplines of applied research and training with the regional economy and society as well as the public sector to: 


  • investigate the effects of social and structural change on municipalities in Germany and the Baltic States in a transfer-oriented and interdisciplinary way
  • identify good and best practices enhancing the competitiveness and attractiveness of science, economy and communities in the Baltic and German regions and municipalities participating in the project
  • establish a transnational network of science and innovation in order to develop an application strategy in suitable EU funding programmes solving urgent municipal challenges
  • build smart and interdisciplinary economic science partnerships for real impact in the EU regions and municipalities involved
  • increase the impact of applied research and innovation and thus enhance the competitiveness and visibilty of the participating scientific institutions within the European Resarch area
  • promote the internationalisation of the participating higher education institutions e.g. via joint interdisciplinary and transnational training

Impressions Kick-Off Workshop in Wernigerode and Seminar in Rezekne

Ellen Burgdorf-Schröder


Application Lab
Tel +49 3943 659 790
Raum 9.212, Haus 9, Wernigerode