Harz-Landschaft mit Wiese und Bergen

FH-Europa: 1st International Research Week at the Universities of Applied Sciences
Harz and Ostfalia

Global Challenges in Horizon (weR-inteR)

With the weR-inteR project, the Harz University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, is striving to intensify the internationalization of the research strategy, the international cooperation of the involved scientists as well as the visibility at international level.


Therefore, a joint International Research Week shall be initiated at both locations in May 2023 to contribute to a more frequent participation in the new EU Research and Innovation programme “Horizon Europe” and other European funding programmes in the future.


The focus of upcoming participations is on cooperative projects that are based on the pillar „Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness“. The two universities already laid the foundation for this cooperation with the previous project weR-NEAR, that was implemented from April 2021 to March 2022, also with funding of the BMBF.


In consultation with those scientists who are interested in research the project team came to the conclusion that international research can be successful if a trusting, binding relationship is established within specific and efficient discussions. Precisely this need should be met by the 1st International Research Week during which the participants can get to know each other, exchange views and start working on joint proposals.


Further information on the date of the International Research Week, the schedule and the participants will be published soon.  



Prof. Louisa Klemmer, Ph.D.

President´s Office
Tel +49 3943 659 104
Raum 6.111, Haus 6, Wernigerode
Sprechzeiten nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail

Grit Lehmann

Project Assistant
Tel +49 3943 659 872
Raum 9.212, Haus 9, Wernigerode

Project Details

01.06.2022 - 31.05.2023
BMBF | 13FH030EB0


Partner: Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences