
Aufsätze in begutachteten Fachzeitschriften (Peer review)

Nolte, I.M./Lindenmeier, J. (2023). Creeping crises and public administration: a time for adaptive governance strategies and cross-sectoral collaboration? Public Management Review, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2200459

Polzer, T./Nolte, I.M./Seiwald, J. (2023). Gender Budgeting in Public Financial Management: A Literature Review and Research Agenda, in: International Review of Administrative Sciences, 89(2): 450-466.

Nolte, I.M./Martin, E.C. (2021). Learning and Crisis Coordination: Experiences from the Balkan Refugee Route, in: Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 31(4): 783-804.

Nolte, I.M./Polzer, T./Seiwald, J. (2021). Gender Budgeting in Emerging Economies - A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda, in: Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 11(5).

Martin, E.C./Nolte, I.M. (2020). Might Less Accountability Be More? INGO-Volunteer Relationships in the European Refugee Response, in: Public Management Review, 22(3): 408-431.

Nolte, I.M./Bushnell, A.M./Mews, M. (2020): Public Administration entering Turbulent Times: A Study of Service Quality during the Refugee Crisis, International Journal of Public Administration, 43(16): 1345-1356.

Nolte, I.M. (2019): Global-Local Partnerships for Development: A Study of Motives for Collaboration and Community Involvement in Myanmar, Nonprofit Policy Forum, 10(2).

Nolte, I.M. (2018). Inter-Organizational Collaborations for Humanitarian Aid: An Analysis of Partnership, Community, and Single Organization Outcomes, in: Public Performance and Management Review, 41(3): 596-619.

Martin, E.C./Nolte, I.M./Vitolo, E. (2016). The 4Cs of Disaster Partnering: Communication, Coordination, Cooperation and Collaboration, in: Disasters 40(4): 621-643.

Nolte, I.M./Boenigk, S. (2013). A Study of ad hoc Network Performance in Disaster Response, in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42(1): 148-173.

Nolte, I.M./Boenigk, S./Bösener, K. (2012). Zur geringen Nutzung von E-Government-Diensten durch Bürger – Eine empirische Untersuchung und Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für die Verwaltungspraxis, in: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 64(5): 341-360.

Nolte, I.M./Martin, E.C./Boenigk, S. (2012). Cross-Sectoral Coordination of Disaster Relief, in: Public Management Review 14(6): 707-730.

Nolte, I.M./Boenigk, S. (2011). Public–Nonprofit Partnership Performance in a Disaster Context: The Case of Haiti, in: Public Administration 89(4): 1385-1402.



Nolte, I.M. (2019). „Dienstleistungsqualität der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Krisenzeiten – interkulturelle Kompetenzen und Kooperationen mit dem dritten Sektor während der Flüchtlingskrise“, in: Beck, J./Stember, J. (Eds.): Tagungsband der Hochschulen für den öffentlichen Dienst.


Konferenzbeiträge (Auswahl)

Nolte, I.M. (2022). How crises change the public administration: Advancing collaboration and co-creation, EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium 2022, 07.-09.07., Wien.

Nolte, I.M./Gross, H. (2021). Happy during Crises: Leveraging Well-being through Volunteering, 10th International ERNOP Conference (European Research Network On Philanthropy), 02.-03.12., Dublin/digital.

Nolte, I.M./Martin, E.C. (2020). Learning and Crisis Coordination: Experiences from the Balkan Refugee Route, EGOS Colloquium 2020, 02.-04.07., Hamburg/digital.

Martin, E.C./Nolte, I.M. (2019). Transboundary Crises and Change: The European Refugee Response, 2019 Academy of Management Meeting, 09.-13.08., Boston. Best paper, ausgezeichnet für die Academy of Management Proceedings.

Nolte, I.M. (2018). Global-Local Partnerships for Development: Measuring Performance and Community Involvement in Myanmar, International Society for Third-Sector Research Conference, 10.-13.07., Amsterdam.

Martin, E.C./Nolte, I.M. (2018). Might Less Accountability be More? INGO-Volunteer Relationships in the European Refugee Response, Public Management Research Conference, 31.05.-02.06., Singapur.

Nolte, I.M./Mews, M. (2017). Public Performance under Pressure: An Adaptation of the SERVQUAL Model to the Refugee Crisis, 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, 04.-08.08., Atlanta.

Nolte, I.M. (2016). Global-Local Partnerships: Assessing Performance from a Collaborative Angle, International Society for Third Sector Research Conference, 28.06.-01.07., Stockholm.

Nolte, I.M./Martin, E. C. (2015). Evaluating Disaster Performance: Organizational, Network, and Community Perspectives, 2015 Academy of Management Meeting, 07.-11.08., Vancouver.

Nolte, I.M./Boenigk, S. (2011). Public–Nonprofit Network Performance: A Study on Hastily Formed Networks from the Haiti Earthquake, 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 12.-16.08., San Antonio.

Nolte, I.M. (2010). Government-Nonprofit Relations’ Impact on Disaster Management, Poster, ARNOVA’s 39th Annual Conference, 18.-20.11., Alexandria. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Poster Award.



Nolte, I.M. (2019). Cross-Sector Collaboration and Coordination During Instable Times – Experiences from a Study of the Refugee Response in Europe, Fakultät für Management, Universität Warschau.

Nolte, I.M. (2019). Managing Heterogeneous Networks for Development, Fakultät für Management, Universität Warschau.

Nolte, I.M. (2018). Global-Local Partnerships for Development: Analysing the Needs of International Organisations in Myanmar, Essex Accounting Centre Research Seminar, Essex Business School, Universität Essex.